Episode Name |
Date Aired
Episode # |
Brief Decription |
The Cage |
1 |
This is the first pilot. Watching this you might
say to yourself, where the hell is Captain Kirk, and who
is this loser they call Pike. You will never catch me calling
Cristopher Pike Captain. He will forever be known as
Critter Puke. |
Where No One Has Gone Before |
2 |
Finally the Star Trek crew got rid of that
loser Pike and brought in Captain Kirk. I am glad that they kept
Spock "the women" Vulcan from the pilot. In this episode, Kirk's friend
(Gary Mitchell) turns into a god-like being. This being no threat to Kirk, since
Kirk himself is already a God. Get it since Shatner is a Megalomaniac. |
The Corbomite Maneuver |
3 |
A hate bald babie, but I loved this episode.
Corbomite is of course just something Kirk made-up, so please don't
go around telling people that if we explode then we will exspells these
dangerous gases. The only human alive that contains deadly gas is
MattDogg. |
Mudd's Women |
4 |
I been watching MTV for about a year now and I
notice that people are wearing less and less cloths. What's
up with that? I mean everyone is basically naked. Oh, yeah this
episode was directed by Harvey Hart. |
The Enemy Within |
5 |
It's winney Kirk versus cool Kirk. "I want to
live. I want to live" says Evil Kirk. "You will. Both of us" says
good Kirk. Good. Bad. I'm the one with the gun. |
The Man Trap |
6 |
I just got this great idea how I can
both learn spanish and write HTML. I will just pop in Espanol
once in awhile in these helpful brief descriptions that don't even
seem to talk about the damn episode. I mean, these description are
just basically just some Basura Blanco mumbling about crap that
nobody cares about. And yes I know I can't use accent marks, so don't
bother pointing that out. All this complaining is making me
hungry for salt |
7 |
7 |
I am sorry, but no one is naked in this episode,
but maybe there might be an unrated (director's cut) of this episode and
we can finally see Sulu butt naked. You know that Marc Daniels is
one sick pervert. |
Charlie X |
8 |
Story by Gene Roddenberry |
Balance of Terror |
9 |
"Perhaps we could have been friend in another time"
Okay, so that isn't exactly what he (Mark Lenoard) said, but it
was damn close. |
What Are Little Girls Made Of? |
10 |
Ever notice that Roger Ebert is getting fatter and
fatter through out the years. We tried to make him a member of Fat sacs
Inc. but that jerk told us to "F**k-off" I am not making this up. What,
you don't believe me? |
Dagger of Mind |
11 |
I am not going to even pretend I remember what this
episode is about. |
Miri |
12 |
I have the perfect insult. If you want
to call someone a bad name, but don't want to be vulgar, you can
all them an angiosperm. And that is what Marilyn Manson is an
angiosperm. |
The Conscience of a the King |
13 |
I have more important things to do in my life than
to remember point-less facts about Star Trek. And by the way
The Enemy Within episode is not number 35 it is number 5
, Duh. |
The Galileo Seven |
14 |
Finally, spock is in command of his own ship.
Sure his ship is a lousy Shuttlecaft, but hey, you got to start somewhere.
This being the first episode to show the shuttlecraft. Actually,
Taurus 2 looks like a cute planet to visit, not that I want to build
a summer home there, but the rocks are actually quite nice. |
Court Martial |
15 |
Kirk is put on trail for leading a crew man to
his death. Did Kirk really kill off his crewman
named Benjamin Finney on purpose, or is there
something fishy going on? Jamie, the daughter of Benjamin Finney, named
her after James T. Kirk. Mmmmm, I wonder if she is then going to grow
up to be fat and bald just like Kirk. |
The Menagerie |
16 |
This is a two part episode, but yet
it is considered only one episode, now who's the crazy one. Yeah,
another story about Critter Puke. |
Shore Leave |
17 |
From some strange reason I always get this
episode confused with This Side of Paradise. To remember
the difference is to remember that this episode is about
dreams of the crew becoming true, where Paradise
is about spores going up Spocks nose. I actually really liked this
episode simply because it suggested that the smatter you are the
more your mind needs to play. So despite the fact that I am
21 years old, I still play video games. Woh, it feels good to finally
come out of the closet.
The Squire of Gothos |
18 |
Trelane is a lot like Q I agree, but Q
is by far more powerful and cool. I recorded this episode and it came out
to be black and white. That doesn't make any sense, then again,
neither does developing a star trek episode guide that is not funny nor
informative. |
Arena |
19 |
You get to see Kirk kick some Gorn booty. The
teleplay was by Gene L. Coon; the guy you gave birth to the idea
of klingons. |
THe Alternative Factor |
20 |
"What about Lazarus? but what about Lazarus?"
Can you imagine spending forever fighting yourself. Kind of
makes ya think. would you send yourself to forever damnation to save
the Universe, I sure in hell wouldn't. |
Tomorrow is Yesterday |
21 |
Written by D.C. Fontana. notice that each
epsiode Kirk is slowly getting fatter and fatter. Same as Scott. |
The Return of the Archons |
22 |
No I have not seen this episode. Hey, it isn't my
fault that Sci-fi sation never plays it. Now you might think it to be
immature to review an episode I haven't seen, well, I guess you
really don't know me at all. |
A Taste of Armageddon |
23 |
I haven't tasted Armageddon, but i heard it
tastes a lot like chicken. |
Space Seed |
24 |
Kirk's ego Vs. Kahn's ego. Which will survive?
William Shatner's ego being as big as Jennifer Lopez's ego; Ricardo
doesn't stand a chance. |
This Side of Paradise |
25 |
I didn't see this episode. Does that make me
a horrible person? Oh it does, well, nevermind. |
The Devil in the Dark |
26 |
One of the few Star Trek episodes that made
me cry, of course I was high on nightquill. Written by Gene L. Coon.
This is the episode where William Shatner's father passed away and
this is also William Shatner's favorite episode because it reminds
him of all of the good times he had with his father. The story is
basically about a relationship between a Horta and her child. |
Errand of Mercy |
27 |
Sure the Organians look innocent, but those
bastards are not what they seem. Always talking about peace, god, it is
enough to make you puke. written again by Gene L. Coon. I also
really enoughed this episode as well. |
THe City on the Edge of Forever |
28 |
"I could have saved her Jim. Do you know what you
have just done?"--Bones to Kirk. Spock replies, "He know's, He Know's"
This was an interesting episode it shows how peaceful actions could
lead to unpleasant conclusions in the future. also I just love
the Guardian of Forever which looks like a big giant donut. |
Operation--Annihilate! |
29 |
First you learn Kirk has a brother and then he
is killed off. What's up with that? Loved this episode with the
flying pancakes that attach to your back. |
Catspaw |
30 |
This episode is about a cat and his paw. Okay
I didn't actually see this episode hey I'm not little stevie wonder;
whatever. |
Metamorphosis |
31 |
This episode contains a very young
Zefram Cochrane and oh yeah some of the series' air dates might be
wrong. This episode deals with love between a man and an alien.
I really don't see what really is the big deal. I'm mean riker
has non-human naughty relationships all the time. |
Friday's Child |
32 |
I'm not sure if this episode was suppose to be
funny but I laughed my arse off. This episode seemed like it was
directed by ED WOOD. I also believe this is the quickest I ever seen a
red shirt die. "He was young and inexpierence. It wasn't his fault"
--Captain Kirk and my favorite quote when Bones hands Spock the
baby and Spock replies, "I think not." |
Metamorphosis |
31 |
This episode contains a very young
Zefram Cochrane and oh yeah some of the series' air dates might be
wrong. This episode deals with love between a man and an alien.
I really don't see what really is the big deal. I'm mean riker
has non-human naughty relationships all of the time. |
Who Mourns for Adonais |
33 |
I haven't seen this episode yet. |
Amok Time |
34 |
This episode introduces us to
Pon farr; vulcans mating, not a pretty sight. Kirk and Spork are
forced to fight to the death on Vulcan. Now remember that Leonard
Nimoy invented the vulcan salute with "live long and prosper" [I
am not sure if he invented that slogan]. |
The Doomsday Machine |
35 |
This episode has one of my favorire
commodore: Matt Decker. This episode deals with a big giant worm like
weapon-creature that goes through space gubbling planets and
space ships up. All you can eat baby. |
Wolf in the Fold |
36 |
Yeah, we all know it was scotty who
killed all those women. I never really trusted scotty. Him always
"accidently" beaming people off into space.Also this episode was
written by Robert Bloch. What a weird name? |
The Changeling |
37 |
Oh my god, it's that robort
from Lost in Space and Dr. Who. I hate it
when TV shows attack other TV shows. |
The Apple |
38 |
Remember that Apples are good for you. |
Mirror, Mirror |
39 |
Yep, this is a classic with Spock with a
bread. I love mirror universe episodes. I wonder what I would be like
in an alternate universe. "What kind of people are we?" --McCoy, which
was used in an Information Society song (which is a 90's music
group). |
The Deadly Years |
40 |
the Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scotty
and some other people of the enterprise is aging rapidly.
Scotty looked good for being 100, now they should just add about
5 tons. Damn Pavel A. Chekov for not aging as well, that little
brat. |
I, Mudd |
41 |
Henry Mudd is back. And fatter than ever.
Did you know that Bohemio means beatnik in spanish?
Oh, you did. Well, we don't have to be sarcastic about it. |
The Trouble with Tribbles |
42 |
The cutiest episode of all time. Tribbles are even
more cute than those adorable creatures from the Star Trek TNG episode
Conspiracy. "Well, he doesn't seem to like you at all"
Kirk says to the Klingon spy. |
Bread and Circuses |
43 |
Written by Gene Roddenberry and
Gene Coon. This episode is about a Earthlike planet that is somewhat
of a 20th Century Rome. And remember that the Sun is actually the
SON (thanks for Uhura for pointing that out). |
Journey to Babel |
44 |
Written by D.C. Fontana. This episode shows
Spock's father Sarek, not to be confused with his lame brother sybox.
and don't bother sending me E-mail about how I can't spell, because
simply I won't care. and don't you think that it would be cooler to
write EPIZODEs instead of EPISODES. |
A Private Little War |
45 |
This about is about a War that is Private and yes
I have not seen this episode. |
The Gamesters of Triskelion |
46 |
Written by Margaret Armen. Do you
remember playing Evil Dead: Hail to the King on
Playstation and you go to that meatlocker and their is all
those nude dead people handing on hooks? Yeah, that was cool. |
Obession |
47 |
Written by Art Wallace. Kirk being obessed about
something. No, couldn't happen. |
The Immunity Syndrome |
48 |
To keep and maintain a high body immunity is
important. SO keep eating those apples and keep away from sugar. |
A Piece of the Action |
49 |
A planet full of 1920 Chicago Gangsters and baby
dolls, so get your heaters ready, because we are read to fight.
This episode had no stardate, why?, well probably because they were
to busy or lazy to do one. (do one = done); think about it. |
By any other name |
50 |
Story by some guy or thing called Jerome Bixby.
Sometime I am afraid that my humor just may sometimes run dry and I
am simply just not funny. of course, I guess that may be all of the time.
but at least I am about as funny as that dork Bill Maher. I hate the
show Politically Incorrect, simply because it is just a bunch
of rich-dumb movie stars who think they know something about
politics. and those Politicians who you really can't trust. |
The Return of Tomorrow |
51 |
Sorry, I don't know what was wrong with me
in episode 50, but I apoligize and we still love you Bill Maher.
Okay dooky (if that is even a word), lovers of the past who died
a half of half-million years ago "borrow" the bodies of the crew, so
they can make android bodies of themselves. I thought I have seen this
episode, but after reading the description in the Star Trek:
Episode Guide I don't think I have. |
Patterns of Force |
52 |
just pretend that I already described this
episode to you. |
The Ultimate Computer |
53 |
A computer that can replace Captain Kirk, I
like to see that. I thought they already tried that in the pilot
episode. Get it, Captain Pike Sucks, oh I mean Critter Puke. Ha, I
bet you thought that I would not be consistent. |
The Omega Glory |
54 |
Ever notice how every other episode name must
start with "THE". This word is over rated and must go. This
episode was written by Gene Roddenberry. |
Assignment Earth |
55 |
I can't believe it already is the end of the
second season, damn how time passes. And yes I used to eat paint chips
when I was young. Why do people keep asking me that? |